Friday, July 24, 2009

I need a hair style that i could do at home?

i have a bar mitvah i need to go to its

just like a guys 13th birthday party BUT

BIG!!! its the guys that i likes party!!!!!!

and ineed a make up and hair help that

i could do at home i am wearing a white

shirt and it has a silver belt attached to it below the chest

pants i am wearing a white above my

knee pants and silver ballet shoes =] now i have


curly that goes to right below my chest

i could straight it but if there is something

pretty that doesnt involve starigning my

whole hair ill do that=] its brunette with blond

high lights i have bangs just so you know

and i have no problem straighning it the

bangs =] i could straight part of my hair if

you want me too just not mo whole hair=/

caz its too much work=/ i need make up

options tooo please =]]]]] best answer

will get 10 extra points =] PLEASE HELP ME ILL APRICCIATE IT ALOT !!!!!

I need a hair style that i could do at home?

You shouldnt wear all white. jazz it up with another color

I love this hair due

I need a hair style that i could do at home?

DONT WEAR ALL WHITE!! sounds cute do something you don't usually do with your hair. Put a touch of mascara and clear lip-gloss.

I need a hair style that i could do at home?

I have curly hair and I straighten my hair every day. It's really not that hard. It only takes about 30 minutes or so.

I need a hair style that i could do at home?

hmmm i would maybe straighten it and then like put up like half of ur hair. idk what it is called tohugh. LOL like when u put up the top part of you hair in a ponytail but there is still hair hanging down

I need a hair style that i could do at home?

Try the mullet

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