Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why is everyone against my hair?

I'm a male, I have light brown hair, but everyone of my EXs has wanted me to dye it, some want me to dye it Black, the other want me to dye it blond. My co-wokers always tell me I should dye it some tell me to dye it blond some black, my classmates sometimes suggest I should dye it, some tell me to dye it blond, some black.

What's so wrong with brown hair?

Why is everyone against my hair?

my favorite is brown hair for men. It is soft and tender. Do not like blond ( girlish), do not like black (too harsh)

And yours is light brown! I think it is great. Jealousy?

Why is everyone against my hair?

leave it

Why is everyone against my hair?

Yeah same here. Wife tells me to dye my hair from brown to black constantly..hmmmm...seems like an obsession

Why is everyone against my hair?

Nothing is wrong with brown hair. Tell them to dye their own hair and quit trying to change you.

Why is everyone against my hair?


Why is everyone against my hair?

Hey, its on your head, you do what you like with it! Tell all of your friends and girlfriends to buzz off if they don't like it, and if they were really your friends they would accept you for who you are in ALL ways.

I had the same problem with my friends. My hair was light brown with a red tint to it. I thought it was very pretty and unique. I gave into peer pressure and dyed it, but then they told me I didn't pick the right color. I finally got to where I gave them the one finger salute and did what I wanted with my hair. They will get over it. =)

Why is everyone against my hair?

I'm afraid your only solution is to shave your head.

Why is everyone against my hair?

You could get 3 strips, 1 your natural colour, 1 blonde and one black. Don't worry about what others think too much. After all I bet they are not perfect. I dont think there is anything wrong with brunettes, mind you I am bias. It is possible they are jealous or perhaps your skin tone does not complement your hair, although I doubt that is the truth (the skintone thing not the jealous thing). I dont know sorry, but dont let it bug you.

Why is everyone against my hair?

Brown hair is sexy...tell everyone else to leave you alone.

Why is everyone against my hair?

Next time someone suggest you dye it, ask them whats wrong with your hair and why they need you to dye it so badly.

Why is everyone against my hair?

absolutely nothing

Why is everyone against my hair?

Leave it - I think brown looks great on a guy

Why is everyone against my hair?

Nothing!!! People are always into trying to change themselves, trying to look different, when it's not necessary at all!!! Stay true to yourself, stay brown!!!

Why is everyone against my hair?

Nothing is wrong with brown hair its the people telling you to dye it that are the problem

Why is everyone against my hair?

Nothing is wrong with brown hair. There is no need to change your hair color just because someone else thinks you should.

Why is everyone against my hair?

its the same color as a turd...and no one like turds...dur

Why is everyone against my hair?

you're surrounded by crazies. take 3 deep breaths and decide whatever you want or don't want to do with your hair.

Why is everyone against my hair?

It's your hair, don't let someone tell you what to do with it. If you dye your hair then you have to keep up with it and that can be a pain in the butt and expensive. Do what you want with your hair, it's your decision!

Why is everyone against my hair?

There is nothing wrong with brown hair. Those people just don't no what they are talking about. Take it from me, me and a friend have brown hair and people always tell us to dye it, my friend actually listened to them and now she looks horrid!

P.S. she looks sorta like my avater (just the hair colour)

Why is everyone against my hair?

Brown hair is beautiful! The people suggesting a change in your hair color need a trip to the mind doctor.

Why is everyone against my hair?

nothing is wrong with brown hair-you should tell them to dye theirs if they keep buggin you

Why is everyone against my hair?

I'm a chick, my hair is brown but I color it, usually red. Right now I'm going lighter with a lot of blonde streaks. I don't really care what color a guy's hair long as he is happy with it!

Why is everyone against my hair?

If it doesn't bother you, don't bother it.

Why is everyone against my hair?

There is nothing wrong with brown hair. Ignore all those people and do what YOU want.

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